Blackjack Card Counting Shuffle Machine

Posted : admin On 4/7/2022
  1. Blackjack Card Counting Shuffle Machine Blackjack
  2. Blackjack Card Counting Shuffle Machine For Sale
  3. Blackjack Card Counting Shuffle Machines
  4. Blackjack Card Counting Shuffle Machines


Do you want to learn how to count card in online blackjack? Then you are in the right place. Click to discover more.Do you want to learn how to count card in online blackjack? Then you are in the. TA-036 8 Deck Black Casino Security Top End Blackjack Shoe for Professional. Shuffle Machine Board Game Poker Playing Cards Electric Automatic Card Game.

Combining user-friendliness and state-of-the-art technology, the one2six shuffler is the perfect companion for multi-deck games. From Casino War blackjack and face up baccarat, the one2six. Unlike other casino table games like Craps and Roulette, where outcomes are independent events unaffected by past results, Blackjack has a built-in bias. The removal.

Unlike other casino table games like Craps and Roulette, where outcomes are independent events unaffected by past results, Blackjack has a built-in bias. The removal of cards from the deck during play has a direct affect on the probability of certain combinations being dealt. It stands to reason that an observant player, one who knows exactly what cards remain to be dealt, can modify betting and play accordingly, reducing the house advantage and perhaps even turning the odds to his/her advantage.

In his 1962 book “Beat the Dealer,” Dr. Edward O. Thorp described the so-called “Basic Strategy for Blackjack,” which is the mathematically optimum way to play. Thorp used statistics and computations to show that when a deck of 52 cards is low in 5’s, a greater advantage accrues to the player than when it is low on other cards. By keeping track of how many 5’s have been dealt, a player can know how many are remaining and how to bet and play.

The so-called “Five Count” system was the first basic Blackjack card-counting strategy ever devised. The player is advised to wager the maximum whenever all of the 5’s are gone from the deck. A table showing the appropriate amount to bet for other situations was developed based upon the number of 5’s removed and how many cards remain.

Once this simple strategy has been mastered, the player can incorporate the counting of 10’s and face cards—what is known as the “Ten Count” system. In this case, the removal of such high-value cards favors the house. Wagers should be increased when the deck is “rich” in cards valued at ten and decreased when it is “lean.”

The only problem, of course, it that players with average IQs and lacking the benefit of photographic memories find it almost impossible to count individual cards. Especially when playing Blackjack against a dealer who uses more than one deck and surrounded by distractions, it is extremely easy to lose track of the count.

A variation on Thorp’s Basic Strategy was proposed a few years later by Stanford Wong and Julian Braun. Their “Hi Lo” system was based upon calculations showing that the removal of low cards (2~6) from a deck helps the player, while the removal of high-value cards (10~A) favors the house.

In 1969, author Lawrence Revere popularized this simpler way of counting in his classic bestseller, “Playing Blackjack as a Business.” Instead of remembering what has been played, all the card counter has to do is add or subtract small numbers from a running total and wager according to whether the count is positive or negative.

Revere’s “Plus Minus” system is still the most commonly used strategy among card counters to this day. In a nutshell, revealed low cards (2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) are each given a value of +1. Each high card that is dealt (10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace) counts as -1. All the other cards in the deck (7, 8, and 9) have no value and can be ignored.

Blackjack Card Counting Shuffle Machine Blackjack

When playing with a single deck, players are advised to bet the minimum, one unit, when the count is +1 or less or bet two units when it is +2 or more. If multiple decks are used, the procedure is adjusted accordingly. With four decks, the tipping point becomes +4 or lower for a one-unit bet and +5 or higher for a two-unit wager. For six decks, it is +6/+7 and for eight decks it is +8/+9.

Wagering is not the only aspect of the game affected by card counting. Basic play changes, too. For example, when the count is a high positive number, Revere would often stand on a hand totaling 12~16 or double down on an 8 or 9. He developed elaborate tables indicating exactly how to play in any situation, with all possible card totals and facing any count value.

Not surprisingly, card counting is still difficult to master. Revere himself once said that the system must be played perfectly to deliver reliable profits, and “if you make two mistakes an hour, you are not going to win anything.”

Using computers or other computational devices to help count cards is strictly illegal in most casinos of the world, but there are no laws against keeping count in your head. For that reason casinos use other tactics, such as changing table stakes, shuffling more often, and varying the speed of play, to throw counters off their systems. Pit bosses know that very few players can count cards well enough to win consistently, but those who do have a real advantage at the tables.

I had no idea that live blackjack online tables feature a “shoe” and not an automatic shuffle machine! I noticed it today when I checked my balance of my (almost forgotten) account at an online bookmaker that advertised their live casino games in their home page. I thought that maybe skillful gamblers can make money by card counting at these games, so I joined and tried my “luck”. The short answer is that card counters may be able to make money in the long run playing live blackjack online, but due to the slow speed of the games and the very bad penetration, they should better look for better investments elsewhere.

At first it was a pleasant surprise to find out that I could once again practice my card counting skills! It has been 10 years since the last time I visited a real casino and counted cards (read some stories about my blackjack career). Fortunately I still remembered the basic strategy and the Hi-Lo counting system, although I seem to have forgotten all the variations according to the true count. Anyway, long story short, I decided to sit down at one of those live blackjack tables, while I would be searching online for other card counters’ opinions related to these games.

It turns out that most of them complain about the speed of the games. True, just 20 hands had been dealt during the hour I spent playing live blackjack online. What is even worse is the fact that the 7-seat tables are usually full, even the ones of high stakes (50 euros minimum!). That really slows the game down.

Blackjack Card Counting Shuffle Machine For Sale

Another discouraging fact is that players are only allowed to bet on their own hand or spot. At real casinos card counters usually bet the minimum on their hand when the odds are against them and place more bets (bigger as well) on other people’s hands when they have an edge versus the casino. In order to make money at blackjack, we need to increase our betting substantially when the “true count” number is more than two. At live blackjack online tables I wasn’t able to place bets to hands dealt next to me, or open another spot (or “box”).

To get you an idea, I would very much like to bet 5 euros per round when the casino’s edge is 0.5% against me (costing me about 2.5 cents per hand) and bet 50 euros at 3 different spots (for a total of 150 euros) when my edge is 0.5% against the casino (winning 75 cents per round). If the true count reached over 4 (more than 1% edge versus the casino), I would be willing to risk 300 euros on a single round for a nice 3-5 euros net profit in the long run!

True count is the number card counters calculate when they divide the “running count” by the number of the remaining decks. For example, if the running count is +8 and there are 4 decks still in the shoe, the true count is +2. Card counters use that number to decide how much money they would bet and whether they need to change the basic strategy. Hitting or standing on 16 against the dealer’s Ten is one of the changes that comes to mind.

Therefore, one of the most important parts of the game is knowing how many decks there are on the blackjack table. I estimated that it must have been 6 decks of cards at the table I was playing at. What’s even more important though is where the dealer places the cut card, which will signal the end of dealing the “shoe”. If they place the cut card towards the bottom of the shoe allowing 5 decks of cards to be dealt, the penetration is 16.6% (1/6) and is considered a favorable situation for the players. Depending on the penetration, the players’ edge vary accordingly.

Penetration is important because if the running count is, say 12 and the cut card is about to be dealt before the last remaining deck, we know that there are a lot of high-value cards (tens, kings, aces, etc.) in the remaining 52 cards. On the other hand, if the cut card is placed at the last 2 remaining decks, the high-value cards are scattered over 104 cards. For all we know, they can all be found at the last deck!

It turns out that when I compared casinos, most online casinos set the penetration of their live blackjack games at 50%! That means 3 decks of cards won’t be dealt out of 6! If the decks were 8, four decks wouldn’t be dealt! That is a very big disadvantage and combined with the slow speed of the games, it made me stand up and leave the table. Not before though I was dealt three 7’s!

The odds of that happening is 0.04%! Once upon a time when I was playing blackjack at brick and mortar casinos, I was dealt that very same hand twice the same night! The casino was offering a bottle of wine to any player hitting three 7’s, so I and my friend certainly didn’t leave the blackjack room empty-handed!


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