How To Calculate Over Under In Basketball

Posted : admin On 4/6/2022

On sites of legal betting companies you can always bet on the total in basketball. To get the maximum profit, professional betters use different strategies, but for beginners it is better to start with simple bets on the result. Consider what types of totals exist, how to set them correctly, what strategies to apply and take into account nuances.

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Read more about basketball total

The term «total» means the final result of a basketball game. These are points earned by both teams for all the main time of the game. Some bookmakers count overtime, usually then the totals are labeled OT. But it is better to clarify this nuance with the representatives of the betting company (BC), so as not to be mistaken, choosing a bet. You can also read the provisions on overtime in the general rules of the BS.

Totals in basketball have a numeric value greater than 100, because in this sport the system of counting points is different from football or hockey. During the match a lot of shots are made, which are estimated at 1-3 points. The total can be integer (120; 137; 154) or fractional (137.5; 155.5; 220.5).

The difference between the integer total is that with its exact coincidence with the number of points received in the match, the bet will be returned to the better. In basketball, such coincidences happen very rarely, unlike other sports, where the number of points is not too large.

Classic total

Classic total is in lines of all BS. This is the total points that both teams have earned per game, which was mentioned earlier.

Bookmakers expose total, based on the analysis of the effectiveness of games. For example, for the NBA championships, a total of 200-225 is set, for games with female teams, it usually does not exceed 175.

Some bookmakers practice totaling for each basketball club separately or even for each player. It is called individual.

Quarter total

The quarter total is a variation of the classic total, but only points earned in the quarter are counted. It lasts 10 or 12 minutes, depending on the type of championship. There are also half totals that are set to two quarters.

In some BS, you can meet bets on the totals of the most productive/non-performing quarter. Before the game, the better blindly bets on the total proposed by the bookmaker. And at the end of the match, the quarters with the highest score and the smallest will be determined.

Total Over or Under in basketball

There are, of course, bets in basketball on the exact total, where the result is predicted for small intervals: up to 90, from 90 to 100 points, from 101 to 110, etc. But the main part of the betters bet on total Under or total Over. On the sites of BS, they are denoted, respectively, Under and Over.

Let’s give an example. Bets are made in this way: the bookmaker offers a total of 155, and the better chooses Over 155 points teams will get in the game, or Under. Odds in Over or Under bets are always greater than the net win of the favorite of the competition.

How to calculate total?

In basketball, a lot of points are always earned, so many novice betters find it hard to put down numbers in their minds. You can do this in a column on a piece of paper or using a regular calculator.

There are special programs that calculate whether the bet has played, the amount of the payout. You just need to fill in the fields, enter the data on the match and the amount of the bet, and click on «Calculate» or a button with a similar name.

Calculation examples

Examples of Over and Under calculations.

In the WNBA Championship, Las Vegas Aces and Atlanta Dream compete in the match. The bookmaker has put up a total of 175.5. Both teams play always effectively, gaining an average of 70 to 90 points. But they recently had games with strong rivals, so the basketball players are tired. We put on the Under (175.5) with odds of 1.89. Our bid is 530 dollars. The final score of the game is 87:83 in favor of Atlanta (but this does not matter to us). Add the numeric values: 87 + 83 = 170. Compare: 170 less than our total 175.5. This means that the bet has passed. Now let’s calculate the amount that the BS will pay: 530×1.89 = 1001 dollars and 70 cents.

In the regular season NBA, teams played the Houston Rockets and Chicago Bulls. BS offered a total of 225.5. Since the teams scored at least 115-120 points in previous games, we decided to bet on Over (225.5) with a factor of 1.84. The sum is the same 530 dollars. Result of the meeting 107:116. Summing up: 107 + 116 = 223, compare: 223 <225.5, this means that the bet did not play, only one 3-point throw was not enough for its passage.

Let us turn to another match, which was held in the framework of the NBA Houston Rockets — Miami Heat. The betting shop offered a total of 210 for that game. Previous meetings of the clubs were more effective, so we decided to bet on Over (210) with odds of 1.96. The bid is 530 dollars. The teams played with a score of 101:109. After adding points (101 + 109 = 210), we understand that the result coincided with the numerical value of the total 210 = 210. The bookmaker returned us $530.

Analysis of the physical form of players

Before you make a bet, you need to analyze the statistics of previous meetings of these teams, as well as games with other opponents. If the matches were first productive, and then the number of points went down, this means that the players are tired, you should not expect a lot of goals from them.

You should also pay attention to the physical form of basketball players, whether there are any injured players who play in the attack. Having unqualified team members also has an impact on performance. Lists of teams often become known 1-2 days before the match.

In home games basketball players show good results because they have a good rest. And on the trips, especially long ones, when they play several games in a row, players quickly lose their shape. Some of them do not tolerate climate change and frequent flights.

You should pay attention to all these moments, as well as read sports news mentioning the teams or their individual players. Not in the best way on the game affect the family or financial problems of basketball players.

Strategy overview

Using strategies allows you to make bets on basketball not only for your hobby, but also for earnings. But for their implementation, you need to have a decent start-up capital, because often you have to fail several times before passing a bet.

Strategies are developed by both professional betters and mathematicians, among them there are very risky, but they allow to increase the bank several times. And there are almost win-win, but bringing only a small profit.

Consider the most popular strategies

Oscar Grind’s Strategy

It is not known for certain whether a person with the name Oscar Grind existed, but a legend goes that he was a very lucky player.

Initially, a strategy with this name was used in the casino. Later it was adapted for sporting events. Its principle is based on increasing the size of the bet after winning.

Let’s say a better has a $1,000 bank. He decided that he would bet $100 on total Over in each basketball game. The odds should always be 2 or more. Let’s give an example with conditional odds of 2.0:

  1. For the first time the bet was $100 and lost (bank — $900).
  2. The second time bet 100 dollars loses (bank — $800).
  3. For the third time, the bet of $100 loses (bank — $700).
  4. The fourth time the bet is $100 wins (bank — $800).
  5. For the fifth time, the bet is $200 and wins (bank — $1,200).

The main thing is not to reduce the bet after the win, until the bank goes into a plus. In our case, it should exceed $1,000. Then you can return to the original size of the bet ($100). You should not bet on all games in a row, you should select and analyze only those where she can actually play.

Quarter bets

Basically, this type of strategy is used in live mode, but you can also make regular bets in this way. The principle is as follows: we bet on the first quarter on Over; if the bet is played, then we start again with the same amount that we initially bet. If not, then double the amount and bet on Over in the next quarter. That is, we apply the Martingale strategy.

Instead of Over, you can use Under or Total for an even/odd number of points gained for a quarter by both teams.

If bets are made on live/odd, then you need to wait for the 8th minute of a quarter (with a 10-minute quarter) and make a bet on the result that is available at the moment. For example, if it is 38 points, then we bet. It is worth remembering that the points of both teams are considered. The main thing is not to miss the moment, after the 9th minute the bookmaker will not accept the bet.

At the end of one game, if the bet is played, go to the next match and also bet on a quarter until the bet passes.


When using the “Corridor” strategy, two opposing totalities are selected (Under and Over), and bets are placed on them. The numerical value of Under should be maximum (for example, 250), and for Over the minimum limit is chosen (for example, 140). All bets are made for one match.

Additional total values ​​are in the full list for the game, most of the BS are hidden. If you can’t find them, you should contact the online consultants. But usually the full list unfolds, if you click on the names of the teams participating in the match.

Similar to the «Corridor» is «Arb» strategy. But bets are made on different outcomes, in different BS, but bets are repelled from the same numerical value of the total. For example, Over (200) and Under (200).

Other species

There is an interesting strategy, which is based on mathematical calculations and a thorough analysis of statistics. For each team, you need to add the points obtained in the last 5 matches, and then divide by 5, getting the arithmetic average of the result. If the club has won, then one point is added for each victory, and for each defeat, 1.5 points are deducted. At the end we add three more points for the home team. We look at the total proposed by the bookmaker, compare it with the result, and choose Under or Over. You can additionally analyze 5 meetings of these two rivals with each other. There is a program that calculates everything automatically.


How To Calculate Over/under In Basketball

Advantages and disadvantages of basketball total


  • bets on the total are accepted by all bookmakers;
  • there are many different additional totals besides the classic one;
  • using different strategies for totals, you can win, but their rules must be strictly followed;
  • often the odds on the totals exceed 2.0;
  • for beginners in betting, the total betting is simple and straightforward.


  • low odds on the most predictable Over or Under;
  • when applying strategies, you need to stock up on money, they sometimes require large investments.

We will now look into some of the factors you have to consider when pondering to bet on basketball, it has its own intricacies that may not be obvious at first. We will use the highly rated NBA league for our examples throughout this article. Now let's get to it, get ready to learn how to bet on basketball.

How to bet on basketball - The Matchup

The obvious first check before you bet is to check the opponents of your team. How well do your team match up previously versus this team? Do they traditionally struggle more against this team than similar rated teams? This could be due to a bad stylistic matchup, the team may play a high paced quick break offense which some teams struggle to cope with, or they may have a strong front court which your team may not have the personnel to defend. It is very important to look at those much more specific things, rather than only the averages of statistics available.

How To Calculate Over Under In Basketball

You also have to take a look at specific player matchups. Your team may rely on their Centre to score the most points on the team, do the opponents have a quality defensive Centre that will be able to neutralize the threat? Perhaps have they played against each other before? Check out how they fared against each other then. If you end up thinking they will be able to neutralize the Centre you would have to take that into account and judge if your team has players in other positions to take over some of the scoring.

How to bet on basketball - Injuries

Injuries are an important consideration for betting in any sport but they are especially important in basketball. In the NBA teams have a maximum squad of 15 players with only a maximum of 12 active ones for any game. If a team loses a starter to injury then this seriously affects the minutes their reserve players have to play and can have a very large negative effect on the team’s chances of winning. As this sort of news obviously moves betting lines, be sure to pay close attention to player injuries when you think you have spotted a good bet. This, so you can walk away from the bet should such news arrive.

How to bet on basketball - Schedule

Unlike football with at least a few days rest between games basketball matches can take place on consecutive nights, this is an important consideration when looking at the value of a bet. A team may have had a few consecutive road games meaning they will be extra tired, and players may be carrying knocks or injuries. It’s obviously important to factor this into their chances of winning. On the opposite side; if a team has had the previous night off then they will be fresher than their opponents and should have an increased chance of winning.

How to bet on basketball -Momentum

Do some teams start slow and finish strong? Do others come out the blocks quickly and fade near the end. This is especially important when betting on markets such as 1st quarter or 1st half scores. You may find your team often starts fast and builds a lead before losing ground when the reserve players come in to give the starting 5 a rest. Would this make betting on the team to win the first quarter more profitable than full time bets? You would have to evaluate if the books have already taken this into account and set the line accordingly first but it’s an important concept to look at. Many a winning bet was placed with this information backing it.

Also, Individual players may carry momentum through a series of games. If a player is on a hot run with improved performances then ask yourself this; will these performances lead to the teams price being reduced for the next game? Some books may take differing views on it so it is wise to shop around for the best prices suiting your bet pick.

How to bet on basketball – the small edges

Again, as we have mentioned in numerous other articles; sports betting is all about taking the small edges when they show up. We want to emphasize that factors such as one night rest might improve the chances of winning versus the team travelling up and down the country, but don’t lose sight over the big picture. We suggest you read our piece on narrow framing for more information on this. Assign the right weight to the info or data, nothing more nothing less. Then move on with your handicapping.

How to bet - Final notes

We hope you enjoyed this beginner article on how to bet on basketball. If you did, do share it with your friends and follow us on your favorite social media site.

How To Calculate Over Under In Basketball Hoop

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How To Calculate Over Under In Basketball Scores


How To Calculate Over Under

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