How To Stop Chasing Losses

Posted : admin On 4/10/2022

Everyone places a bet with high hopes of winning and making some money. But no matter how well you think you have placed your bets, chances are high that you will lose several times. The way you handle your loss is very important because it determines whether you can effectively control your gambling habits. Keep reading to find out more about how to stop chasing gambling losses.

  1. How To Set Stop Losses
  2. What Is Chasing Losses
  3. How Do I Stop Chasing Losses

One of the common ways people handle gambling losses is trying to chase the losses. This can easily lead to a streak of losses and, therefore, a loss of a substantial amount of money. You need to know the ideal ways to stop the urge to play once more after losing.

Chasing losses leads the gambler to gamble with more than he or she can afford to lose, and often to borrowing money in an effort to get even. Many gamblers may chase for short periods, until they learn from bitter experience that this is counter-productive. Pathological gambling is defined by the long-term pre-occupation with chasing losses. How to Stop Chasing Gambling Losses Have a Gambling Limit. It is essential to limit the amount you can use for gambling, irrespective of the number of times. Avoid Banking on Results While Gambling. Many people make the mistake of calculating their chances of winning through. 2 days ago  Random stocks. Think around 50 different companies. There’s only a few that I’ve (lazily) researched and actually believe in. Yes this was a mistake. I should have done research first and then bought, but I’m more of a jump in first and then learn how to swim person. I don’t mind the monetary losses. I can make those back up if I’m.

Have a Gambling Limit

It is essential to limit the amount you can use for gambling, irrespective of the number of times you lose. Once you lose the money meant for gambling, you will just walk away and wait until you get more gambling money.

It is essential always to carry only the money meant for gambling while going to the casino. If you are placing your bet on the internet, you should load your account with only the money you have set aside for gambling. Through this, you will be able to reduce the temptation of using a little more money for other obligations to chase your losses just because the money is available.

Avoid Banking on Results While Gambling

Many people make the mistake of calculating their chances of winning through primarily banking on the results. These are people who easily become heartbroken once the team they had selected does not succeed and therefore results in chasing their losses. Such a mentality can easily make you lose a substantial amount of money if the teams you are betting on fail to win.

Instead of banking your chances on the result, you should place your bets depending on the bet’s value. The importance of this is that even if the team you had selected does not win, you won’t have the urge to chase the loss. You will understand that the results did not go your way because of various reasons beyond your control.

Control Your Emotions

Even if it is normal to be happy after you win and sad whenever you lose, you should avoid acting on your feelings. Most people who chase their gambling losses are merely acting according to their current emotions. You should understand that the sadness that comes after losing is not permanent, and it will go away if you are patient enough.

You should especially avoid betting on the teams you love because a loss can easily result to uncontrollable emotions. If your favorite team loses and you had placed a bet on it, you might become extremely upset and decide to place another bet to recover the money. You should also avoid making gambling one of your life’s main aspects because a loss can make you excessively emotional.

Come Up With a Gambling Schedule

Most people who can control their gambling habits, including chasing their losses, have strict gambling schedules. You can develop a program that says you can only gamble on particular days or specific hours to avoid betting excessively. Weekends are particularly good days to make money through gambling since most sports are played during the weekend and as a result, you will find hundreds of interesting games.

To ensure you are able to stick to your gambling schedule, you should not visit casinos or open betting sites before or after the time stipulated on your schedule. If the program you have created allows you to bet only on weekends, you should avoid the things that might encourage you to gamble on weekdays. Even if you lost several bets over the weekend and there are attractive games in the middle of the week, you should fight the temptation to place a bet outside your schedule.

Understand How Gambling Works

The majority of people who chase their gambling losses are ignorant of several essential gambling facts. Some of the most ignored facts include the assumption that you have better chances to win after losing or playing several times. Such people feel the urge to play more, hoping that the odds of winning will be better in the next bet.

The truth in most gambling forms is that the odds do not change with the number of times you play or lose. Even if you lose ten consecutive times, the odds in the first bet remain the same in the tenth bet. Consequently, if you lose several times, do not try to chase your losses, thinking that the chances to win will improve.

Be Ready For Any Results

Gambling is full of surprises where the favorite teams fail to win even with all indicators showing they will win. Some unexpected occurrences can prevent the team that everyone was expecting to win from winning. Consequently, it would be best if you gambled knowing that anything can happen and, as a result, expect any outcome.

The importance of expecting any result is that you will have a cool head even if the bet does not go your way. People who gamble with almost a hundred percent certainty that they will win end up being frustrated. Some people even start planning how they will use the money they win and then fail to get the money.

Get Support

Chances of chasing your losses while betting alone are higher compared to when you are with another person. Betting alone gives you the freedom to spend as much as you want without being questioned by anyone. However, when you are in the company of a friend, a spouse, or a colleague, they will try to prevent you from placing any more bets to avoid losing a massive amount of money.

It is essential to choose the right person to support you when gambling. You should select a person known for making rational decisions since such a person will not let you make decisions that you will regret. Your spouse is especially an ideal person to help you avoid spending too much money trying to chase your gambling losses.

Therefore, even if you feel a great urge to gamble one more time after losing, you can control this urge by implementing the outlined guidelines on stopping chasing gambling losses.

I gotta get back my $1,000 losses and try to win it back. that was the thought that keeps on playing on my mind ater I stopped again for 30 days and I did go back to the action table.this time I told myself if I recover the $1,000 dollars I lost last march 3, I will stop for after a month I brace myself to go back and play.april 3 I went and played another 1000 and lost again. I see a pattern here.

Man, I just can't stop. I got to get back and recover my losses. Really thought I conquered this habit and yet I'm going to the path of self destruction again I don't want to but I want to.

comes April 22 , we have a Reno trip and this time I will just go but I won't gamble. I promise myself that I will never lose again. See you back after April 22 and see what happened if I gamble or not. but I already have a plan and I will stick to it. another beginning.
It all started with me inviting my friends to watch a free concert to be held of all the places... yap in the casino. I already have had 95 days of gambling free and I really thought that I would be strong enough to resist playing blackjack again. so, off we go with a solid plan that I wouldn't touch a single card of blackjack nor I would be roaming around to watch the action. I really had that keen resolve not to gamble.

We were in the casino and headed toward the concert venue. We can't get a seat and my friend decided to play blackjack with me tagging along watching him win. I excuse myself telling him that I'll just go take a leak and while I headed my way to the restroom, a single spark of thought tells me to do an ATM run. At first I really planned at that time to try a hundred buck, eventually I lost and what the heck, I want to get even and recover my hundred bucks, lost again and decided to withdraw 300 more. you see I had this 500 limit withdrawal on my ATM card. Oh boy, you guessed it , I lost again !I was telling myself that if I could only bring back the 500 that I lost I'll stop. I waited until 12 midnight so I could withdraw another 500 and really stop for good. I end up losing the second 500 which make my losses a total of 1000 dollars.

I lied to my friends when they asked how much did I lost. Told them that I got even. I realize afterwards that if challenge ourselves to go near the fire, we'll burn. The casino is the fire. I got burned. Now I see the pattern. I bet, I lost, I chased, I lied and I realized. But still I didn't stop still. I challenged and I am beaten again. I got my second time of losing. Read tomorrow....
I haven't gambled since thanksgiving day and that makes it 96 f***ng days of gambled free life (for a while).

Then suddenly... the RELAPSE !!


I wouldn't say suddenly but it is ( the thought of gambling ) all sitting in my addictive mind ready to be manifested and I did it. I went back to the casino and lost that freaking thousand and I'm so disappointed with myself. I realized that I couldn't rest on my laurels and be complacent that lasting almost 3 months over, maybe I thought that I would be gambling free for the rest of my life. I thought when I declare to the whole world ( to my friends and family circle )that I finally stopped gambling is a sure thing for me.

I should have been vigilant about my action and my inaction that lead me to relapse and now the thought of getting back my losses haunts me. The big chase of getting back my thousand dollars and head back to the casino is playing on my mind, ready to unleash itself and start my gambling binge again. I'm so afraid that it will lead be back to my old ways again.

I want to stop ( again ? ) and yet the other side of my mind wants to go back and get even. You gotta get back that freaking thousand dollars you lost and then stop for sure after getting it back, my other mind ( that gambler mind )would tell me. and yet the thought of stopping for good (my logical mind ) reminds me that it's not worth it to chase my losses.

So, how did I end up relapsing ?
If we continue gambling, we chose to die. die of financial stress, emotional fatigue, and drain our humanity.

If we stop gambling, we chose to live. to live in bliss and in peace, knowing we still have cash on hand. it brings peace.

Choose to live or die....

I'll choose to stop and live another day. what's your choice. You only got two choices..
In gambling if you quit, you win !! quitters are the biggest winners. Ironic ha ?

Focus on what is essential and concentrate on your goal. If your goal is to stop gambling for good, COMMIT !! Remember commitment is CHOICE that we have to keep doing again and again and again....

Make that choice to stop. COMMIT....
Hope lies eternal. As long as we hope to move forward and mend our ways, we will never get lost. Hope brings us here in this website hoping for a cure. Hope is within ourselves. let's hope to continue healing ourselves and we'll know after sometime we are gambling free !!
It's been awhile since I came here. life has been tough and yet after all those years I continue to struggle. I'm struggling to be gambling free, for a start this whole month of December. I've been telling myself that for a change I will say NO to the very first gambling invitation. I'll start this very first day of December and hopefully count until 365 days had passed. Everyday you will see me here so just read on....

Really thought that I beat this gambling addiction for good. but oh boy, I'm wrong. though my finances had improved and made a 360 turn around and I had paid all my credit cards and yet just one slip of the mind I went back to blackjack table and started playing again. I lose a thousand and I'm planning to get it back. I'm on the crossroad. which way I am going. the other half of my mind is pushing me to go back to the table but my right side brain is telling me to say NO. before I'm listening to my first thought but now I'm so ready make alliance to my right side brain and say NO. my alter ego is telling me ' you can do it ! ' and I'm sure I can and I will.

This is my first step... my road to recovery !!!!
Really thought that I conquered the battle over gambling addiction. I can't recall how many times I ever said to myself that ' this will be the last time I will gamble ', yet to no avail I always fell into a trap. I always wish that my gambler friend will relocate elsewhere to escape his constant invites to go with him to the casino and that the casino will burn so there will be no excuse for me to return to that place. my wish was granted on the first one and a sigh of relief and breathe of gratitude minus the one big influence in my life. my friend's family moved to san Diego. but my second wish which I thought is kind of weird is so far fetched to happen , unless by stroke of luck or misfortune the casino which I go through will ever come down to ashes. they will always build another one whether it burned or not. Well, enough of this childish wimps.

No one, I say no one can ever be strong if you don't exert all your effort in fighting this demon. You got to be focus and really determined to fight this of and stand firm on your decision to quit. you got to put all the intensity to the highest degree to win this battle. It's a slow process, taking one day at a time. Another passed without gambling is a small step towards victory. slowly, slowly burn your candle but keep up the light. The light which is your guide to a brighter tomorrow knowing you are hanging on saying NO to every gambling invitation. standing firm with such conviction to say YES TO MOVE FORWARD TO A LIFE WITHOUT GAMBLING. Believe in yourself with the sincerest desire that you can make it.

And yet, today-again I declare that this will be the first day of the rest of my fruitful life. The past is a thing of the past. I'm not looking back and I am allowing myself to move forward, onward with keen resolve and so much faith in God and myself that I can conquer. I'm a conqueror and I am a victor !! I a taking one day at a time. I will be gentle to myself.

Healing is a process. I will allow time to heal me gradually. to ripen at my own time. So when I finally taste the fruit it will be sweet..

How To Set Stop Losses

slow burn.
This actually works for me. I talk to myself in a Positive reinforced way and it just flows man.
Today is the first day of the rest of my fruitful life.
Finally I can say with conviction that I am finally over with gambling.
Never again will I come back to any casino nor play blackjack anymore.
I have forgiven my self and asked forgiveness to people whom I hurt most.
I will say NO to every gambling invitation no matter what.

How To Stop Chasing Losses

I don't wanna punish myself and I'm giving myself a chance to be gambling free forever.
July 29, 2005 I Quit Gambling! It was very similar to quitting smoking 10 years ago, I must have quit at least 10 times, but always went back to those damn things. I have attempted to quit going to Casino about the same amount of times. Every time I go, I feel the slight high when I fill my bucket with the dirty old tokens, anxiously waiting to find the next machine to drop them into, anticipating the Big Jackpot...and then losing the bucket. The casino won again, this time, last time, and the time before that. my upcoming Journals, I want to talk about that - its therapeutic for me but today, I am angry, pissed off, feeling guilty, tired and wondering how I am ever going to get back on track financially. I am not going to let that get me down, I a moving forward, I am going to be proactive and look for a new hobby that does not effect my family or livelihood. Till next time :)

Today is day four since I have played video poker. I was in two casinos yesterday and didn't play at all. One I work in and have to walk through each day and the other one I went to meet friends for a drink....something I haven't done in over a year and a half, maybe 2 years. I used to meet these friends/co-workers every week but my gambling interfered with those good times. Luckily they decided to meet again and reached out to me to join them. I had a wonderful time and afterwards went straight home. I know that 4 days doesn't seem like a long time, but I usually play every day or at least 5-6 days a week. So for me, that is quite an accomplishment. We have made plans to meet again next week. I feel good. I am happy and pleased with myself. Soon I will reward myself by spending some of that money I would have lost on something nice for myself.

I came into some quick money and the first thought in my mind was ...lets have a bet off I went with a 1k up then it was all down hill. I'm thinking its not so bad that I lost as its now impossible to get anything outta that god dammed place...and I still have my sanity and good bank balance please ..I'm not going back there big casino, and thanks for teaching me to be humble and here's to a new casino free life enjoying my time...letting bygones and past punting mistakes rest... onwards I walk with dignity and all gambling urges will be seen as a waste of my precious time and sanity...

What Is Chasing Losses

Thought I'd put a few thoughts together for us all to re enforce the futility of a gamblers lot in life ...I was into casinos in a big way, because I'm not used to loosing basically...who is...but to be legally robbed by government rules is a rough cookie to crumble. But hey I know they have taxes and bills to pay so ,okay casino keep my money but your not getting any more; in fact next time I visit you will be to eat your cheap food and accommodation and that's all you'll get from me...I lost, you won now leave me alone to pick myself up and walk tall...I see through your promises of instant riches ,through this web site I've read how you've killed and maimed so many, but like the holocaust survivors ,we will be a witness to your day I'll go to Vegas and laugh out at how stupid you look in your bright lights, AS I'll be in control of my gambling impulses ,and you will say...another ex gamblers been saved...and what's more we might even be in the majority, imagine if people sore through gambling's promises and only bet there pocket money...casinos would go outta's hoping ********

It's day's like these I dread the most . The day after spending the entire cheque on gambling. I was so desperate for money to win back my losses, I stole $30 from my sisters piggy bank. Now, I feel nauseated, worried, and depressed. Why does this always happen? Its days like these I make promises to myself that ill stop gambling. And I always seem to break them. It has come to a point where most of every body knows that I gamble, and this is what I don't like. Please tell me or guide me to a better tomorrow. I'm tired of breaking promises. I need help.

How Do I Stop Chasing Losses